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Seminole is a city in Pinellas County, Florida, United States. The population was 10,890 at the 2000 census. As of 2007, the population estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau is 19,195.[3] St. Petersburg College has a campus in the city.

The first Seminole church was Methodist, known as Marvin Chapel. In 1928 a hurricane destroyed the chapel. The Seminole United Methodist Church was built on this property; it remains there today.

Thurston Groves was developed by Bruce Hall in 2001 on the site of a former orange grove, the home of J.T. and Marguerite Thurston. The land was purchased by Mr. Thurston in 1917. In 1998, widowed, Mrs. Thurston passed away at 92 years of age. Her 38 – acre grove was the largest remaining in Pinellas County. The groves are gone today; in place of the orange trees, a development of homes called Thurston Groves.

Thurson Orange Grove circa 1930

5 Ways to Take Care Of Our Lake?

One of the many amenities that make Thurston Groves a beautiful community is our retention pond, affectionately called Thurston Lake. By maintaining its care, we keep it from looking like a retention pond and more like a lake with its natural habitants of koi fish, cormorants, egrets, Ibis, moorhens, ducks, turtles, armadillos, possums and yes, even an occasional visiting otter. Other fish include Mosquito fish (Cambusia), Bream, Bass and Catfish. Although the lake is at 12 month low, proper care will go a long time for it’s health.

However, to accomplish this, the Board of Directors, Management Company and our homeowners need to follow the following helpful rules:

  1. Please do not release any aquarium fish in the pond or drains. The street drains lead directly into the lake. There can be harmful, unintended consequences that could “unbalance” the natural environment if one introduces outside species.
  2. When you see trash, bottles or other debris on the common ground or shoreline, try to dispose of them in a trash bin.
  3. Report any damaged trees or shrubs throughout the common area (lake, front and rear entrances, 102nd, and Ridge Road.
  4. Per our covenants, no wading, swimming or boating is allowed on the lake.
  5. Only Thurston Groves homeowners and their guests are allowed on the common ground shoreline. Please ask others to leave.

Thurson Orange Grove circa 1930

Plot Map


Winter Gardening in Thurston Groves?

In Florida, most annuals only last one season (not one year). To be successful, they must be planted at the right time, but unfortunately they are sometimes sold out of season and are therefore short-lived in the garden. Typically, annuals are divided into two types: warm season and cool season. Warm-season (tender) annuals are damaged by frosts or freezes and should be planted after the last frost date. Based on historical records, this is typically February 15 for Central Florida.. However, early and late frosts can occur almost anywhere in the state, and tender annuals need to be covered if this occurs. Cool-season (hardy) annuals are intolerant of heat, rainfall, and humidity. They are planted in fall and usually expire with the onset of summer (late May/June).

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Here is a list of utility companies for Thurston Groves:

  • Sewer/Water: Pinellas County Utilities 727-464-4000
  • Trash – Waste Management 727-572-8779
  • Waste Management picks up trash on Tuesdays and Fridays, and recycled material on Fridays.
  • Electric – Duke Energy 727-443-2641
  • Gas: TECO 727-826-3333
  • Brighthouse (offer Cable/Phone/Internet) 727-329-5250
  • Verizon: 855-567-6401 ( no FIOS or DSL service, just telephone)
  • Cable: Brighthouse or Direct TV

  • Trash Pickup

    Waste Management (727-572-8779) picks up trash on Tuesdays and Fridays, and recycled material on Fridays.
    Christmas & New Year's Day Schedule: Pick-up is next day collection

    TGHOA Facebook

    TG has created a private page for homeowners and current residents to join TG's Facebook page. To join, you must be a member of Facebook. If you are, click on the link to request permission to join.

    Non-Emergency Sheriff # 727-582-6200